Monday, October 11, 2010

The Great Imitator

"I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son."
— 1 John 2:21–22
The first sign that something has been popular is when you start to see knock-offs or imitations everywhere.

It has been said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; but honestly, no one likes to be copied or ripped off. That's just a nice way of saying, "Don't feel too bad when someone copies you."

The devil is a genuine copycat. He has never specialized in originality. He has always seen the value of copying something and confusing the issues.

Whenever you see a genuine work of the Spirit of God, the devil will always have his imitation. Satan's business specializes in flooding the market with cheap imitations, thus clouding the issues. As a result, people have difficulty discerning between the truth and lies.

The explosion of religions in our world today stands as one example of Satan's work. The gurus, false prophets, and teachers, and psychics who claim to possess the hotline to heaven are simply puppets in the hands of Satan. They're his tools in muddying the waters of truth.

The end result is somebody who looks at all of the world religions and thinks, I just can't make sense of it all. They just want to throw it all out and forget about it. When that happens, the devil has accomplished his purpose.

Keep this in mind: if you see a lot of imitations out there, an original exists somewhere in the midst of all the copies. The devil only floods the market with imitations in order to keep people from the one and only true God.

Seek the original, open up God's Word. Only then will you discover truth.

The Secret to Life

Have you ever eavesdropped on someone's conversation? Not intentionally, of course.

Maybe you were in a restaurant, and you heard those magic words at the table next to you: "I am going to tell you a secret right now. . . . "

So what do you do? You listen more carefully.

We all love to hear secrets. We want to know the inside story, even if it is about a complete stranger.

I have news for you. God has a secret He wants to share with you. The Bible tells us, "The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him . . . " (Psalm 25:14).

In many ways, this isn't really a secret, because it is plainly declared in Scripture. It is a secret that can help you avoid untold misery and heartache.

You might say it is the secret of living, that is, of living life to its fullest and having the guaranteed hope that when you die, you will live forever in the presence of God in heaven.

We find this secret in the Book of Ecclesiastes, where the writer, Solomon, essentially shares what he has learned from life the hard way.

Solomon was someone who decided to go hog wild into sin. He decided to try everything this world had to offer. With unlimited resources and a lot of time on his hands, he was able to do what some people only dream about. This was a man who literally tried it all.

Solomon was highly educated, yet he went on unbelievable drinking binges. He chased after women like there was no tomorrow. He was an architectural genius and built incredible structures. He was worth billions of dollars. Yet he abandoned God in his search for meaning in life.

At the end of it all, here was the conclusion he came to: "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all" (Ecclesiastes 12:13 NKJV). That is profound.

Solomon was saying, "Listen to a seasoned pro. I know what I am talking about here. If you leave God out of the picture, then your life is going to be empty, meaningless, and futile. But if you want to live a life that is full, a life with purpose, then here it is: Fear God and keep His commandments." That is what it all comes down to.

A lot of us, however, don't like commandments. We see them as restrictive. But if you want to live a life that is full, then you have to recognize that there are parameters. And there are absolutes.

It would be like someone saying, "I don't like traffic lights. I am not into those. They really bug me. I am not going to live by the rules. I am going to drive wherever I want to and go whenever I want to go. I want my freedom." But those traffic lights are there for your protection.

Yes, the Bible says we should not do certain things. But it is for our own good.

Someone may look at the commandments of God and say, "These are restrictive and they ruining my life."

But His commandments are not there to make your life miserable. They are barriers of protection. That is what Solomon was saying: Fear God and keep His commandments.

Of course, there are many who disagree. They are determined to live by their own rules. I guarantee that one day they will come to the same conclusion Solomon did: It is empty to break God's commands and try to live without them.

When the Bible tells us to "fear" God, this word could also be translated "reverence." We are to reverence God. Honor God. Respect God. It means that we don't take His offer of forgiveness through Jesus Christ for granted.

God is saying to you that you are not going to find the answers in success. You are not even going to find the answers in a good education, in a career, in a big house, in a marriage, in a relationship with a guy or a girl, in drinking and partying, or in whatever else it is you might be pursuing right now.

You are only going to find what you are looking for in a relationship with God.

That was Solomon's conclusion. You can either discover this the hard way, or you can take God's word for it.

I would suggest the latter. The choice is up to you.

God Works in Every Circumstance

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
— Romans 8:28
God, in His mercy, can also take the tragedies of life and use them. God can take the most evil deed and work in spite of it.

The apostle Paul made this point in Romans 8:28: "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Paul includes what we perceive as "good things," as well as the bad things.

It's hard for us to understand how a bad thing can ultimately work together for good. There is nothing good about what happened to the 150,000 people who died in Southeast Asia during the 2004 tsunami. It was tragic beyond belief.

But God, in His infinite wisdom and love, somehow takes all the events of our lives, both good and bad, and blends them together ultimately for good. The good He intends, that is.

After that tragedy, Christian organizations mobilized to send much needed help and resources to the hurting people of Southeast Asia. People received much needed physical and spiritual help. Back then and even now, God will work things together for good.

From Ordinary to Extraordinary

I heard about a mom and dad who decided to give their child the very curious name of Odd. Poor kid! Obviously that name invited ridicule and mockery all through grade school, high school, and college. But the jibes made him want to achieve, and he became a very successful lawyer.

Because people ribbed him his entire life, he decided that upon his death, he wanted an unmarked tombstone placed at his grave so that his name would never be uttered again. His wishes were honored. The problem was when people saw this tombstone without an inscription, they almost always said, "That's odd."

Jesus gave to His disciple Simon the new name of Rock. Why? He knew Peter would eventually grow into the name. His given name, Simon, means "a listener" or "a hearer."

Upon seeing him for the first time, Jesus essentially gave him a nickname—a new title to describe the person he was going to become. He said, "Your name is going to be Peter or 'Rock' (the literal meaning)."

I think the others might have done a little snickering at that point. If there was anything Simon was not, it was a rock. A rock is stable and solid. Peter was given to the emotion of a moment. He could be hotheaded.

But God saw him for what he would become.

We know Jesus knew what He was getting. He knew Peter would fail. He knew that Peter would fall short. He even knew that Peter would ultimately deny Him.

But Jesus also knew Peter would make a comeback. He knew that after his early failure, "the rock" would courageously serve the Lord all the days of his life. He looked right through him, and He saw potential.

Godly Resolutions

Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way.
— Romans 14:13
Many people make resolutions this time of the year. Right now, people are planning their New Year's Resolutions.

Some are going to swear off alcohol or smoking or television or overeating. Others are going to try to change wicked habits like gossip or worry or losing their temper.

Many people will try to start new habits like getting in shape physically. Health clubs love the first of the year, because people love to commit to going to the gym and working out three to five times a week.

But most of those people never follow through, because they were not serious in the first place.

There are different, more important resolutions you want to make for 2009. There are godly habits you want to start and ungodly habits you want to break.

It has been said, "A habit is like cable. We weave a thread of it every day until at last we cannot break it." That can be a good or a bad thing depending on your habits.

The Multi-Dimensional You!

(Family Matters)
Welcome to this fruitful month. This month shall be a month to be remembered for good in your family. It is the 'ember' period of the year, and you shall be remembered for good in Jesus' name. This month, I shall be considering the theme: The Multi-Dimensional You! I know that without any doubt, you shall be greatly blessed.

This week I will be shedding light on: You Are God's Creature.

God is your Creator. The Bible says in Genesis 1:27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. There are several other verses of scriptures that confirm this truth.  God is your Creator. He created you whole; He created you uniquely and complete.  He created you special. So, you are a special creation in the hands of God. There was no deficiency in you, when God your Creator created you. Your race, colour, or tribe is irrelevant you are one in nature.

What are His natures that He infused into you?

The nature of love: you are created to love; you have the capability to love others. The Bible says: ...Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these (Mark 12:31). You might be wondering that this commandment is too hard for anyone to obey, but the good news is His commandments are not grievous. The Bible says: For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous (1 John 5:3)

The nature of Dominion: you are created to dominate. God created man in His image and the Bible says: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth(Gen 1:28). You are the crown of God's creation; you are not underprivileged, and you are a creation of value. So, begin to dominate in every facet of your life.

When you take another step of giving your life to Jesus Christ, He becomes not only your Creator, but also now your Saviour. As you advance and progress in your walk with God, He becomes not just your Saviour, He becomes your Lord. He is Lord over your life, your relationships, your home, your finances and over everything that has to do with you.

This dimension of your life is the most important and the foundation for other facets of life. If you fully understand your position with God, you shall be successful in your marriage, career and every other relationship that you might be into.

The first step to take, in order to fully understand your position with God is to give your life to Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Do you want to be born again? Why not say this prayer in faith and you shall be born again! "Dear Lord Jesus, I come to You today as a sinner.  I believe You died for my sins and rose on the third day.  Forgive me my sins.  I accept You as my Lord and Saviour.  Make me a child of God today".
Congratulations! You are now a child of God!

Growing Children Of Destiny! (2)

(Family Success)
It is my privilege to welcome you again and share with you from God's Word. I began a series on how you can grow children of destiny. I laid the foundation of having to start with those areas of your life that you will not want your children to imbibe, as they grow into adulthood.

This week I shall be shedding light on what I titled: The Rod Of Discipline.
Discipline means training, especially of the mind and character, aimed at producing self-control, obedience, etc.

The Bible clearly put it this way: Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him (Prov 22:15). Disciplining your child is not in any way a sign of hatred, but a way to demonstrate that you want the best for your child. Prov 23:13-14 admonishes parents: Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death.

There are lots of young adults today, who would have being blessings to others, but because their parents do not discipline them, they end up with bad gangs and some losing their lives. This shall not be your potion. Your children shall not miss it in destiny.

Susanna Wesley, who lived two centuries ago and turned out two of that generation's most dedicated ministers - Charles and John Wesley, (as well as nine other children), had an interesting philosophy on rearing children.

The child who refuses to go to bed at night is the same child that refuses to learn scriptures and follow the Lord.  Just as surely as I'd see that child go to bed, I'd see that child come to God.

To refuse to discipline your child is to prepare him for destruction.  That was how Phinehas and Hophni, the two sons of Eli were destroyed.  Their father refused to discipline them. He knew about their immorality, yet he was complacent. This was his response as recorded in the Bible: For I have told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not (1 Samuel 3:13)

One of the great men of God in our generation has this inscription written and displayed in their premises. He said, "It is better to train a child than to repair an adult". The day I read these words I decided in my heart that my children will not grow into adults that will need repairs. I will see to it that they are trained and disciplined and I tell you it pays. The best way to secure peace in old age is to raise disciplined children.

The Bible declares: Discipline your son, and he will give you peace; he will bring delight to your soul (Prov 29:17). Now that they are still under your roof, as much as you can, be firm in instilling good ethics and they will not miss their mark in life.

It takes being a child of God to truly understand how to grow your children into destiny. If you are not yet born again and you would like to, please pray this simple prayer: Dear Jesus, I come to You today acknowledging that I am a sinner needing Your forgiveness. I believe You died for me and rose again on the third day. Forgive me my sins, wash me with Your Blood and write my name in Your Book of Life. Thank You Lord for saving me.
Congratulations!  You are now born again and a child of God.

Growing Children Of Destiny

(Family Success)
Welcome to a new month of advancement in your life in Jesus' name. God is set to restore the remaining blessing that has been appointed to you in redemption in Jesus' Name. This month, I shall be discussing with you: Growing Children Of Destiny!

If you must grow children of destiny, you have to start from yourself. If you are not on the path of your destiny, there is no way you can grow your children into that glorious path that God has choosing for them.
Therefore, this week I shall be discussing the topic: Leading By Example.

The primary way to raise your children is by being a good example to them. Your children's spiritual need for character moulding, the fear of the Lord, active Christian service, etc, can adequately be taught by example. The Bible says: ...Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity (1Timothy 4:12).

Children are natural mimics.  No matter what you teach them, they learn better by example. It is not enough to instruct your child on what to do or what not to do; the child must see you do what you are preaching. Remember, an ounce of example is worth a ton of preaching.  Children want to follow the examples of their parents.
Whatever character trait you don't want to see in your children, ensure it has been dealt with in your own life first. You cannot hide your real self from your children at home. If you want your children to be persons of integrity, do not tell lies over issues and do not teach them to lie.

Children are a reflection of their parents. Murmuring, grumbling and complaining parents will definitely have murmuring, grumbling and complaining children. Stingy parents will have stingy children. Your child will prefer to do just what you do than do what you teach. Simply ensure that what you speak and what you do are the same. You should live a life worthy of emulation.

If you are not going to raise lazy children that will grow and not be able to keep their job, then, let them see you as a diligent father or mother. The Bible says: The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute(Prov. 12:24).  Use scriptures such as this to teach them and demonstrate what diligence means.

When my son gained admission into the institution of higher learning, it was observed that while others go about playing and whiling away time, he always sat somewhere reading. One of the management staff called and reported that,"David reads too much". This recommendation was never a surprise, because he is from a family where reading is part of the family legacy. He is a successful adult today, and a blessing to his generation.
God's Word in Psalms 112:2 says: His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.If a righteous man will see his generation blessed, he must be ready to grow them into blessed adults by being a good parent first.

It takes being a child of God to truly comprehend and understand how to grow your children into destiny. If you are not yet born again and you would like to, please pray this simple prayer: Dear Jesus, I come to You today acknowledging that I am a sinner needing Your forgiveness. I believe You died for me and rose again on the third day. Forgive me my sins, wash me with Your Blood and write my name in Your Book of Life. Thank You Lord for saving me.
Congratulations!  You are now born again and a child of God.