Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Family Life 
I am sure that you have been enjoying peace and God's blessings, after letting go of every impatience, as taught last week. This week, I will be teaching on Covetousness.

Covetousness is a strong urge or desire to possess something, especially something that belongs to someone else. You see something on someone and you immediately start scheming and planning to have it. Discontentment is what usually drives people into covetousness. Many people are "possession possessed". They are never satisfied with what they have per time; nothing is ever enough. They always want more. Life means much more than the abundance of your possession. Luke 12:15 warns: Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

Covetousness is a sin that destroys and destabilizes many families and homes. It is a devil's trap which always leads to dissatisfaction, anxiety and unholy comparison. People who are covetous are always anxious. Covetousness is the root cause of many evils in our society today. It could lead to adultery, theft, fraud, fornication and other evils. The Bible says: ... But godliness with contentment is great gain... And having food and raiment, let us be therewith content (1Timothy 6:6-7).

Lusting after material things so much that it takes the place of God in you is covetousness that must be replaced with contentment. Anything that takes the place of God is idolatry. Be contented with what you have. Anything you do not have now, you do not need. My husband always says, "Life is phases and men are in sizes." This is true.

You must learn to live your level per time. As a family, eat, drink, sleep and wear your size per time. Be assured of the fact that where you are today is the least place you will ever be. Your path is destined to shine brighter and brighter every passing day, until you get to God's ultimate purpose for your life. The Bible says: But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day (Proverbs 4:18). If you are a child of God, your path will shine brighter.

Be excited about where you are now, your future is colourful and bright and you will get there. You don't have to steal or cheat to have more, just be contented and accept your present position. Some single persons base their choice of life partner on the abundance of things the man has. They want a man with a big car, a high-paying job, a house, etc. Any marriage that is founded on material possession is on a shaky foundation, and will soon fall apart. Don't be blinded by material things. My husband and I had to start from the first rung of the ladder in marriage and ministry, many times eating beans and garri for supper, so that we wouldn't need breakfast the next day. Some other times, we didn't know where and when the next meal was coming from! But God has always been very faithful.

As a woman, do not compare your husband with your friend's husband. Do not compare or nag your spouse for not possessing what your friend or your friend's spouse has. Don't push your spouse to do evil, just to please you! When the punishment for that evil comes upon your spouse, you will suffer it too since you are the one married to him. Covetousness walks with idolatry and pride. The ultimate end is destruction. God's Word says: ...but he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days (Proverbs 28:16). This means that covetousness can rob you of long life!

Let go of covetousness and embrace God's Word in contentment; this is the cure for covetousness. To embrace God, you need to confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. If you would like to embrace God and be born again, please say this prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. I cannot help myself. Forgive me my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. Deliver me form sin and satan to serve the living God. I believe You died for me and on the third day, You rose that I might be justified. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for accepting me into Your kingdom. 

Congratulations! You are now a child of God!

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